Monday, January 5, 2009

San Francisco

I don't people in San Francisco like me.

One time, I was in Dottie's one morning and ask ed the waitress for cream. Apparently I didn't ask nicely enough because I was subjected to a recurring, piecemeal lecture on the evils of the 'white male' dominated society. This was between delivery of food so I wasn't too comfortable in eating the food.

Recently, I was in Mill Valley in search of pizza. As I perused Ton y Tutto's menu, I notice that pepperoni was not available. In fact, no meat was available at all. When I inquired, the man behind the counter says 'You mean want meat?!?'. He said meat like it was a four letter word. Snd then laughed at me with his partner as I left the place in search of better pizza.

more later....

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