Monday, October 27, 2008

Erection Addiction

Would you have really looked at this post if it was about the election? Just swap the l for an r wherever election appears if this is too boring for you.

I am obsessed with the presidential election. I have three different electronic maps of the U.S. indicating voter polls. Each one provides different outcomes. They rarely change but I monitor them several times a day on my Iphone to see the slightest change from the most recent overnight tracking polls. Obama is ahead in all of them but the potential Bradley effect makes all of that tenuous at best.

I have to check MSNBC against Foxnews to get a balance of what might be true out there. It has to lie between the two chasms of media bias. Fox does very little to hide its bias. And yet it is number one in the U.S. That says something America's politics. I can tell there is a different America out there that I have to visit some day to understand.

Finally, I am on the Yelp talk threads to discuss politics. I don't learn anything because I am not arguing with the brightest folks in the world. And we aren't looking to change each other's minds. Clever insults are about all that really comes out of it all.

Last night I got into discussion with a lawyer in my office about the election. He started making arguments I had never come across before [Obama = Bush]. I thought for a moment I had missed out on a whole body of electoral issues. He was getting visceral. I started quoting the bible to him. I was having trouble keeping up with him because it was in person / rapid e-mail and much faster than the online format I was used to.

Then he e-mailed me his sources. Newsmax. Newsbuster. Steve Gill. I knew at that moment the election was over. Even the smart, conservative guys were getting desperate for an argument for a McCain presidency. He was resorting to discredited right wing crap.

When the election is over I'll go back to doing my little food reviews.